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  • Yooper-Opoly Board Game
  • Yooper-Opoly Board Game
  • Yooper-Opoly Board Game

Outset Games and Cobble Hill Puzzles

Yooper-Opoly Board Game

Yooper-Opoly Board Game



Yooper-Opoly is euh... what is Yooper-Opoly? IYKYK and if you're from the great Upper Peninsula of Michigan, then you know, eh. Dat's right. Grab a cudighi and make your way to Kitch-Iti-Kip; better pack a pasty and a roadie too, in case you get caught in a traffic jam. If you make it out, just around the bend you can grab a Busch Latte or Vernors at the Lumberjack Tavern. "Say Ya to Da Up, Eh!" and double down with Keys to the City in Yooperland. Holy Wah this is some fun - yous best not make a Michigan Left when confronted with the opportunity to buy this game! Tokens include: High Five, Big Smile, Heart, The Dog, Pretzel, Gym Shoe Ages: 8+ Players: 2 to 6 Game Type: Board Classic Counting

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